Micro Communications designs a wide range of waveguide and coaxial hybrids, magic tees, variable power combiners and power dividers. Through our collaboration with Microwave Techniques (Mega, Ferrite, MCi) – we offer the widest ranging design portfolio for waveguide and coaxial power combining technology.

View our 3D CAD Catalog and product data for waveguide tees on the Microwave Techniques website.

Coaxial Hybrids & Power Combiners
MCi offers a range of coaxial hybrids and power combiners. Our designs include:
- Coaxial sizes ranging from Type-N up to 14-inch
- 90° coupled-line hybrid combiners: 3 dB and unequal split
- N-Way Power Combiners/Dividers
- Collaboration with Mega Industries

Waveguide Hybrids, Magic Tees & Combiners
MCi manufactures a complete line of waveguide magic tees and hybrid combiners. Our designs include:

- Short-slot 90° hybrids
- Magic tees, standard and folded
- Branch-line combiners
- N-Way Power Combiners/Dividers
- Collaboration with Mega Industries

Variable Power Combiners

Micro Communications designs a full line of variable power combiners. Our designs include:
- Motor-controlled variable power combining for standby and parallel power amplifiers
- 50 MHz to 20 GHz
- Coaxial and waveguide versions
- Control panels and integrated controllers
Hybrid Power Combiners
The MCi Hybrid Power Combiner is used to combine any two equal power transmitters operating at the same frequency. Models are available to handle combined output powers of 5kW, 10kW, 20kW, 25kW, 35kW, 40kW, 50kW, 70kW, and 120kW.

The combining action is accomplished by feeding signals of equal amplitude, but phased in quadrature, into the high power MCI broadband hybrid. A combining reject load (optional) capable of handling one-half the power of a single transmitter is connected to the load port of the hybrid. A directional coupler or wattmeter should be mounted in front of the combining reject load. The directional coupler/wattmeter is used to facilitate the adjustment of relative phase of the two inputs.

The combining reject load and watt meter are sold separately.
Hybrid Power Combiners Design Features & Specifcations
- Broadband
- Low Loss
- Low VSWR
- High Transmitter Isolation
- Low Cost
MCi: A Microwave Techniques Company
MCi, A Microwave Techniques Company – works alongside the Mega Industries product line. As part of a 2020 merger, The Microwave Techniques group consists of Mega Industries, Ferrite Microwave Technologies and Micro Communications (MCi). The group manufactures a wide line of RF components and microwave systems – including hybrids, magic tees, and various other power combining technology products.

Together, the group occupies over 90,000 square feet of RF engineering and microwave component manufacturing space in the New England region. If you cannot find the RF component, technical information, engineering support or specific product you are looking for – please contact us. We will find a solution for you!
To learn more about MCi hybrid combiners, magic tees, variable power combiners and dividers – please contact us at sales@microwavetechniques.com. We look forward to hearing from you, and partnering on your next microwave or RF project!